27 февр. 2011 г.

I did not ask much...

Dah nak dekat seminggu x update blog....the point is I'm too busy shifting stuff from and to the apartment...in fact my new home.....after 5 days sleeping here,I wondered...I shud have shifted long time ago.. easy said..calmer,more comfortable...but I still have 4 more months to appreciate the freedom and calm that I just found....

I just wanna share what I have learned these past few days...surviving is so damn hard that sumtimes it bring down your tears,when u think u can handle it yourself...it is so hard that sumtimes when even u did not ask anything from ppl...u did not ask them to throw their effort and neither to spend their money and time to listen to your stories,but just to be at your side...siding u so that u know u r not alone,so u can stand up again to continue what life had left for u.even just that is too hard for them..

And that time u really understand that nobody will ever do anything good except for themselves...and only that time u learn that all pat on your shoulder was just a fake gesture...to pretend to be good but actually they won't will to do anything that wont give benefits in return...

1 комментарий:

  1. Chill..dun be sad gorgeous..im always with u n gonna be by ur side forever k my dear..Remember Allah always be with us as well =)
