2 янв. 2013 г.

The Truth…

I am a house officer , currently working in one of GH in Johore.
As a junior doctor,all u think about at all times is your work and work only…
Its seemed that your brain capacity has deescalate so that only work-related things are able to be processed and executed correctly.Its hard to describe by only words..its an experience only “us “ know.
Im not writing to say all these or to tell the whole world about my hard life.It connected to one incident recently that really gave a knock on my head…

I’ve been planning to write this since the very first day it happened.Like I said..i din have time.It keep running in my head but only now I get the chance to spit out what felt…

The date 1/9/2012 can never be erased..perhaps forever…
The date I lost a friend who is very dear to me..the one that I never thought of leaving me..at least  not this early…
Now everything seemed to make sense to me.
Balqis Amira Mat Hasan…
I got to know her since we were 13.Who knows a simple thing like that lead up to an unconditional companionship…
Its all started one night 13 years ago…
At about 12midnight.
Lapar…aq x dapat tido..biasanye lapa macamane pon still je bole tahan .bantai tido..
Pikir nak mkn ape,tgk locker ape pun xde..kuar dorm.duk dalam pun bukan bole tido..turun tingkat 2,stop kejap tgk aspura…senyap sunyi..malam sepi sume org dah tido..malam2 amik angin malam pun best…agak2 kenyang makan angin,cadang nak naik dorm balik.harap2 bole la tido..esok nak skolah lagi..kang x leh bgn lak..
Dalam perjalanan balik,aq nmpak kelibat sorang rakan setingkatan pon xtido mcm aq..
“Mo,ko x tido lg?” name die momo..
“blom ..aq nak masak megi …eh ko lak bwat ape?” balas momo ringkas..
Kami x rapat walau satu tingkatan,tak pernah cakap or kenal momo sebelum ni..
“ermm…aq xleh tido..lapa..” separuh segan tapi aq Nampak kat tangan momo ade megi pama sebungkus..
“owhhh…jomla teman aq amik air panas kat bawah..bole mkn sekali..” balas momo ..die mmg ramah..
Kitorang gerak turun tingkat satu..water dispenser kat bawah..aq berbual ringkas..tp ntah kenape xleh berenti bercakap..momo mmg peramah,sekejap je dah rase selesa dgn die..
Dalam perjalanan naik ke dorm momo,kitorang terserempak dgn eip…
Balqis amira ni name glemer die eip…tp mase ni kitorang x panggil die eip lagi..
“Eh aqis,ko pun xtido lg?” sapa kami hampir serentak…
Sebenarnye kitorang pon xrapat sgt dgn eip mase ni..
“aah nak g sidai baju kat belakang” mmg xtau takut budak ni,malam2 ni bole bantai cuci baju..ade hati pulak nak g sidai kat belakang hostel …ampaian depan dorm penuh katanye.
Aq ni mmg dasar penakut..xberani aq nak offer nak teman…
“eh qis meh la join kitorang mkn megi..kat dorm aq” ajak momo ..
Megi sebungkus je dalam hati aq,nak share 3 org cukup ke..hmm tapi dah tuan punya megi yang offer, aq nak kata ape pulak kan…
“oh bole je..nnti aq join korang..”balas eip sambil bergegas ke belakang hostel..ramah jgk..

Mungkin takdir tuhan,malam tu titik permulaan persahabatan kitorang sampai sekarang...hanye sebungkus megi pama..
Momo rapat dgn eida…aq rapat ngan syu..kitorang selalu lepak sekali dan mulai tu jugak kitorang berlima semakin rapat..

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